CII Report: Institutional Investors Are Unhappy With Executive Pay

Drawing on interviews with investors on why they collectively voted against 37 companies whose pay plans fell short of majority support between January 1 and July 1, 2011, research by the Council of Institutional Investors has revealed that some 92% of institutional investors are unhappy with executive pay relating to performance at the companies they invest in.

(September 28, 2011) — A new report by the Council of Institutional Investors has shown that about 92% of shareholders have expressed discontent over executive pay relating to performance at the companies they invest in.

CII’s research found that 37 companies fell short of majority support out of 2,340 say-on-pay votes at US companies in the first half of the year.

The report — titled “Say on Pay: Identifying Investor Concerns” and prepared by Robin Ferracone, executive chair, and Dayna Harris, vice president, both of Farient Advisors — focused on 2011, the first year say-on-pay voting was required at US companies under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. In January, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted rules that would give shareholders at public companies a nonbinding vote on executive compensation packages, reflecting an effort to give shareholders greater authority over executive pay following the financial crisis, when many investors expressed public outcry over extravagant pay practices. Investor advocates, pension funds, and shareholder groups have pushed for such a change.

“Advisory shareowner votes on executive compensation were the big story of proxy season 2011, the inaugural year for ‘say on pay’ at most US public companies,” CII’s report stated. “Say on pay gives shareowners a voice in how top executives are paid. Such votes are also a way for a corporate board to determine whether investors view the company’s compensation practices to be in the best interests of shareowner.”

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The report urged that companies “should respond to investor concerns. The more aligned pay and performance the better,” the report said. This alignment “is a combination of pay sensitivity to changes in performance, the overall size of compensation and the proportion of performance-based pay.”

CII members including the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) and New York State Common Retirement Fund cited a range of important factors to explain their reasons to vote against executive compensation, which included poor pay practices (37%), poor disclosure (35%) and inappropriately high level of compensation for the company’s size, industry and performance (16%). Furthermore, the report said that more than a quarter (27%) of the companies with failed say-on-pay proposals were in real estate, homebuilding or construction-related businesses, all hit hard in the economic downturn.

This report specifically examines:

1. The driving factors that fueled majority opposition to say on pay at 37 companies

2. The process investors used to determine how they would cast say-on-pay votes

3. The influence that say on pay is having on executive compensation

4. Potential next steps for shareowners to consider ahead of say-on-pay votes next year

5. Potential next steps for companies where investor opposition to say-on-pay proposals was significant

A recent survey by Towers Watson revealed that the say-on-pay proxy season has had relatively little immediate impact on most public corporations in the US.

“Most companies are breathing a sigh of relief now that the proxy season is over,” Doug Friske, global head of Towers Watson’s Executive Compensation consulting practice, said in a statement. “The same, however, can’t be said for many companies that received an ‘against’ recommendation from proxy advisory firms or failed to win the support of at least 80% of the shareholder votes cast on their say-on-pay resolutions. The survey findings, along with our consulting experience, suggest that these companies are taking shareholder views quite seriously and plan to respond in some way.”

To contact the <em>aiCIO</em> editor of this story: Paula Vasan at <a href=''></a>; 646-308-2742

Japan Encounters Calls for Creation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund

Seiji Maehara, Japan's ruling party's policy chief, has asserted that the country should set up a sovereign-wealth fund to fight the high yen.

(September 28, 2011) — Similar to recent domestic and international pressure for Australia to create a sovereign wealth fund, Japan is now facing similar urgent calls.

Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) policy chief Seiji Maehara has asserted in an interview with Dow Jones Newswires that the country should consider a sovereign wealth fund to fight the strong yen. Furthermore, he noted that he aims to sell as many government assets as possible to lower reliance on tax hikes in order to help fund earthquake reconstruction. “We would like to consider a national fund, or a so-called sovereign wealth fund,” Maehara said in an interview with the publication, adding that Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda was considering such a move.

While the creation of a sovereign wealth fund in Japan has been favored by some lawmakers, the risks of global investment have thwarted progress. With Japan ranking as having the world’s second-largest foreign reserves (which are held in foreign currencies), Maehara told the Dow Jones Newswires that a sovereign wealth fund that would purchase foreign assets by selling the yen is needed to stem the yen’s strength.

Other countries have faced similar urgency to create a sovereign fund. While trade unions and institutions worldwide have urged the Australian government to create a sovereign wealth fund, the country’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard asserted last month that superannuation is already a trillion-dollar sovereign wealth fund–but with market benefits. She noted that the country’s superannuation regime is robust enough to stand in the place of a sovereign wealth fund.

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“That’s because it’s privately managed by thousands of trustees instead of a sovereign wealth fund managed centrally by a Canberra-appointed manager,” Gillard said in an address to the Financial Services Council in Sydney, Money Management reported. “Or alternatively, you could say that Australia has 8 million sovereign wealth funds–the superannuation accounts of Australians across the country.”

This is not the first time that widespread calls for Australia to establish a commodity-backed sovereign wealth fund has been met with stiff resistance. Australia is faced with the question of what to do with the proceeds of a large surge in demand for its vast deposits of coal and iron ore. At the heart of the dispute is whether Australia should try to emulate Norway by establishing a sovereign wealth fund or rather impose a tax on mining profits as the best way of capitalizing on the boom. In May, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) urged Australia to create a sovereign wealth fund to protect the country against a possible Asian market bubble. IMF director Anoop Singh said at the time that the revenue from the current resources boom should be saved “to ensure a more equal distribution of its benefits across generations and reduce long-term fiscal vulnerabilities from an aging population and rising health care costs.”

To contact the <em>aiCIO</em> editor of this story: Paula Vasan at <a href=''></a>; 646-308-2742
