Asset Allocation November 21, 2023 Texas Constitutional Amendment Creates Endowment Fund for Newer Universities A separate proposition enabling a cost-of-living increase to pensions for retired teachers was also approved.
Asset Allocation October 29, 2023 Proposed Amendment to Texas Constitution Would Create Endowments for Smaller Schools Universities other than the state’s two flagship institutions would benefit from the proposition.
September 30, 2019 Exclusive: Exit Interview as Paul Ballard Says Goodbye to Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust His innovative approach to risk management leaves its mark: on his last day at the office before retiring, Ballard reflects on lessons learned at the $80 billion plan since 2003.
Newsmakers September 19, 2019 Exclusive: Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Co. CIO Retiring Paul Ballard approached investing with an eye for uncorrelated sources of return, ran the $80 billion sovereign wealth fund since 2003.