Tag: Stocks

Ackman Scored $2.6 Billion on Bond Bets as Markets Sank
After toying with cashing in all his assets, the investor placed a canny wager against corporate fixed-income.

Why US Stocks Remain the Brawniest in the World
Strong tech outfits like Apple and Facebook help American equity returns power ahead of other nations’ markets.

As Virus Punishes Stocks, El-Erian Warns: Don’t Buy the Dips
Pummeled shares will take a lot longer to recover than normal, Allianz economist says.

Virus Outbreaks Harm Stocks, Just Not on Tuesday
S&P 500, aside from yesterday’s rally, has dipped up to 13% due to epidemics, Citi says.

Airline Stocks Fly High Despite Boeing MAX Mess
Thriving economy and trade war pause aid carriers, despite loss of tainted plane.

Perpetual Monetary Easing: Problem Creator for Pension Plans

Market-Lagging Druckenmiller: I Was Wrong About Stocks

NYSE Proposes New Method for Companies to Raise Capital When Going Public
Direct listing would allow companies to sell shares in opening auction on first day on exchange.

Baby Boomers Carry Risky Levels of Stocks, Says Fidelity
Almost 1 in 3 of them are heading into retirement equity-heavy, fund house finds.

Rhode Island Turns to Options and Emerging Markets Debt to Improve Funding

The 60-40 Stock-Bond Asset Mix Is Dead, BofA Warns
Public Plans’ Funding Improves Slightly, But Not Asset Growth
Funded level was 73% in fiscal 2018, helped by lower liability increases.
Lower Interest Rates Will Shrink Pension Funding Status, Goldman Warns

Exclusive: How a More than $50 Billion Bet Boosted CalPERS Returns
A large move into equity factor investing was key for largest US pension.