US PRT Market Sees $14B in Volume in Q3
Nearly half of this quarter’s pension risk transfer volume came from IBM’s $6 billion PRT with Prudential, per Legal & General Retirement America.
Dollar volume lagged, but that may be a sign of smaller plans’ increased use of PRTs.
Despite decline, the British market topped £25 billion for the fourth straight year.
Intensifying regulation, rising operational costs, and increasingly complex investments were cited by the beleaguered airline.
The UK insurer to work with Amazon to cut costs and better store data for future bulk annuity deals.
Insurer tops previous record for the largest risk transfer seen in the UK.
Volatility in equity markets continues to concern plan sponsors.
Bulk annuity buyout frees fund from British pension rescue agency.
The financial services company will take over $5.7 billion of the airline’s pension liabilities.