GPIF’s ESG Investments Outperform Tokyo Stock Index
The Japanese government pension giant's ESG funds beat the TOPIX by 160 basis points over a 6-year period.
The Japanese government pension giant's ESG funds beat the TOPIX by 160 basis points over a 6-year period.
Their case: The once-sclerotic economy now offers good investment value and a new, shareholder-friendly spirit.
Despite losses, the 300 largest funds’ share of global pension assets rose to 43% in 2021.
The pension giant raked in $72 billion during the quarter thanks to its public equities portfolios.
In 2035, emerging markets will gain a slight edge, and they will have a clear lead by 2050: 47% to 27% of global capitalization.
The authors claim their Spread Based Direct Alpha method is more accurate than current measurements.
World’s largest pension fund’s asset value declines to $1.31 trillion.
Despite Fed uneasiness, higher pay isn’t really pushing inflation, per the firm’s David Kelly.
Pension giant hopes to encourage the disclosure of ESG data.
While hedge operators were always stats-oriented, he took data gathering to a whole new level.
The Goldman Sachs veteran helped lead the world’s largest pension fund to two years of growth.