New Bill Would Ban Chinese Stocks in Index Funds
The measure is part of a package that would both tax Chinese dividends at higher rates and require more disclosure for securities with exposure to China.
Some growth stocks are now in the bargain category. Hare, welcome to tortoise-hood.
With good results in hand, he is shifting the allocation of his California transit agency pension fund and health care trust, aiming for still better performance.
But will index funds hold on to their appeal if US stocks hit a bear market in the next year or two?
Result: Small-cap and value stocks end up neglected, Michael Burry says.
That’s how lock-up companies, in poor odor lately, end up in top pension portfolios.
Indexes now make up a bit more than one-third of funds, but will reach 50% in two years, the agency says.
Fund adds $125 million to reach $8.4 billion, beats benchmarks.