Market Moves
Will Pent-Up Consumer Demand Really Supercharge the Economy? Uh-uh, Economist Warns
Stephen Roach: A lot of consumer spending already has occurred and the federal aid package will be just a temporary boost.
A surging China elbows others, the deficit-burdened US struggles, and Brexit is in the pits.
Some $2.9 trillion, hoarded by rich nations’ consumers, will fuel post-virus spending, Bloomberg Economics thinks.
There are three reasons why, after long dwelling at subterranean levels, the cost of money will eventually poke its head up.
Doubts rise that stock’s boffo performance will keep rolling through 2025, although almighty tech might let it maintain some momentum, savants say.
His stance clashes with that of Chair Jerome Powell, a sometime adversary.
Conference Board survey says their confidence level is lousy. A portent for the future?