Falling Discount Rates Send Corporate Pension Funding Tumbling
Funded ratio of 100 largest US corporate plans drops to 83.8% from 87.7%.
Funded ratio of 100 largest US corporate plans drops to 83.8% from 87.7%.
Funded rate of 100 largest DB corporate plans drops to 87.9% during month.
Funding level falls to 95% from 97%.
Unfunded liabilities nearly double in seven years to $21.2 billion.
Past returns over five years are lower, at 6.5% annually. The fund cites investing uncertainty in standing pat.
Falling bond yields prove too much for robust asset gains.
New Pew study finds many institutional investors are reporting declining funded ratios since 2009.
New legislation seeks to shore up fund, give one-time check to retirees.
The 100 largest corporate DB plans gain $20 billion in February.
Fund’s performance last year was driven by active management decisions.
Funded level of Segal Group model falls to 95% from 102%.
Average funding ratios fell by seven percentage points, amid down December.
Gavin Newsom’s plan for the two largest US pension plans allocates more than $7 billion to reduce their unfunded liability and help California school districts with their contributions to pension costs.
Proposes three-year suspension on COLA adjustments to help attain 100% funded status by 2043.