Corporate DB Funded Status Rises to 93.4% in July
Aggregate deficit falls $12 billion to $108 billion.
Aggregate deficit falls $12 billion to $108 billion.
The firm says companies will be heavy bond buyers, contributing $60 billion to their pensions due to a tax change.
Funded ratio for S&P 500 defined benefit plans rises to 85.8%.
Aggregate pension debt drops by $9 billion, but combined S&P 1500 debt is still more than $2 trillion.
Consultant JLT suggests plans de-risk following monetary policy discussions, regulator warnings.
Fear of a downturn creates a rise in de-risking.
The funded status of the 100 largest US defined benefit plans rises nearly 5% to 86%.
Despite the sharp rise, the aggregate deficit is down 29% from 2017.
Report estimates top 50 defined benefit plans at 86% funded level.
Several companies announced recent and impending pension fund contributions during the month.
Ratio rises to its highest level in more than four years.
Willis Towers Watson cites strong stock market performance and significant employer contributions as reasons for growth.
Funded status up nearly 5% from November 2016.
Funded status of 100 largest US corporate pension plans grows to 84.7%.
Funded status of 100 largest US corporate pension plans rises to 84.3%.