Falling Discount Rates Send Corporate Pension Funding Tumbling
Funded ratio of 100 largest US corporate plans drops to 83.8% from 87.7%.
Funded ratio of 100 largest US corporate plans drops to 83.8% from 87.7%.
Funded rate of 100 largest DB corporate plans drops to 87.9% during month.
Regulator is hunting employers that rebrand to try to dodge workplace pension responsibilities.
The funded status of the 100 largest corporate DB plans edged higher to 88% in June.
Third-largest monthly decline lowers funded ratios to 87.9%.
Improvement boosted by strong investment returns during the month.
Decision to shift American workforce into a defined contribution plan comes amid dropping earnings at the carmaker.
January effect helps boost asset returns and funded levels.
Funded level of the FTSE 100 pensions falls 3% as surplus proves to be short lived.
Funds were on track to top 90%, but investment slumps brought them in slightly below 2017’s showing.
Volatility in equity markets continues to concern plan sponsors.
Aggregate deficit of PPF 7800 balloons to £107.7 billion as funding level drops 4.1%.
Wilshire Consulting’s managing director calls the month’s 1.9 percentage point dip the ‘largest pull back’ since June 2016.
Increased discount rates, global equity returns generate uptick in the ratios for plans in the index.
An increase in equity markets boosted corporate pensions’ funded status to 91%.