Tag: Connecticut
Assets of the state's pension system grew to $7.9 billion.
Connecticut Leaders Agree to Reform State Pension System
Governor says changes will save the state and its cities more than $840 million over 31 years.
Connecticut Bill Would Allow Cities to Tax Private College Endowments
Yale’s $41.4 billion endowment could be targeted by the city of New Haven if the proposed legislation passes.
Teacher Pension Costs Triple Since 2001, Report Says
Research finds education retirement costs are significantly outpacing education spending.
State & Municipal Treasurers Publish Letter Encouraging McCarthy to Make Deal on Federal Debt Ceiling
They say a default would be ‘catastrophic’ and devalue portfolios, damaging pension funds and 401(k) plans.
Connecticut Treasurer Shawn Wooden Won’t Seek Reelection
The surprise decision comes after a little more than three years on the job.
Connecticut Reins in Public Pension Costs
The state general assembly forecasts $290 million in pension cost cuts by 2026 thanks to a volatility cap excess.
Connecticut Seeks Volunteers for Pilot Retirement Program
The retirement authority is offering companies a chance to help design a state-run plan called MyCTSavings
Corporate Moves
Connecticut Pension Fund Poaches LACERA’s Ted Wright to be New CIO
He replaces Laurie Martin as head of the $40 billion Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds.
Asset Management Culture
Ray Dalio Sides with Chinese Regulators over Jack Ma
Foiled IPOs be damned, diversifying into China is worth the risk, according to the Bridgewater founder.
Asset Allocation
Ray Dalio Fund’s Assets Tumbled 15% During Pandemic Crash
The world’s largest hedge fund took a long tilt in its positions leading up to the market dive, underestimating the coronavirus threat.
Connecticut Moves to Embrace ‘First-of-its-Kind’ Gun Divestment Policy
State treasury plans to divest from civilian gun manufacturers to mitigate the national gun violence crisis.
Connecticut Governor Strikes Deal to Save State Pension
New deal would provide ‘hundreds of millions of dollars in budgetary relief’ for the troubled state pension.
Some Police in Connecticut May Revert to DB Plan
Departures due to discontent over a town’s DC plan are mirrored elsewhere.
New Connecticut Treasurer Has a Backup Plan for Teacher Pension Bonds
Shawn Wooden taking select cues from New Jersey in maneuver’s approach.