Tag: CalPERS

CalPERS Names Stephen Gilmore as New CIO
The new investment chief is CIO of the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation and is expected to start in July.

CalPERS Approves New Private Assets Allocation in Private Equity Push

Why Allocators Do Badly When Selling Stocks

CalPERS Prepares for 2nd Round of CIO Interviews

Allocators Condemn UK Regulator’s Plan to Limit Investor Approvals
As it stands, shareholders must assent to M&A or related-party deals. But the FCA wants to ease listing requirements to stem companies decamping to New York exchanges.

CalPERS Expects to Hold 1st Interviews for Vacant CIO Position Next Week

CalPERS Interim CIO Dan Bienvenue Joins CAIA Board

Texas Municipal Retirement System Hires New CIO From CalPERS

CalPERS Pledges to Boost Low-Carbon Assets to $100B
The $462 billion pension giant will more than double those assets as it aims to halve the carbon-emissions intensity of its investments by 2030.

CalPERS Selects Executive Search Firm to Identify New CIO

CalPERS’ Private Equity Allocation Remains Nearly $7B Under Target in Q3
The New York State Common Retirement Fund recorded the largest overallocation among global pension funds at $11.7 billion.

CalPERS CIO Nicole Musicco Will Step Down

Emerging Market Debt Appears Poised for a Revival
The big yield advantage they enjoyed over developed countries’ debt issues has narrowed, but EM paper retains other pluses.

CalPERS Reports Preliminary 5.8% Return for Fiscal 2023
Public equities and private debt were the top performers for the fund’s $462.8 billion portfolio.