Indiana Roofers Pension Applies to Treasury for Benefits Cuts
Trustees of Roofers Local No. 88 propose a 10% reduction in benefits across the board.
Cincinnati roofer, Niagara Falls electrical worker plans are 16th and 17th funds affected.
Pension reapplies for reduction after withdrawing first application in October.
Local 805 Pension Fund can begin cutting benefits as of Jan. 1.
The hearing on Dec. 5 will help determine if public workers’ pensions can be reduced and could have national implications.
Laborers Local No. 265 is seeking a flat reduction of 40% of benefits.
Total number of funds cleared to enact benefits reductions rises to seven.
Western States Office and Professional Pension is seeking a 30% cut in benefits.
Spate of applications brings 2018 total to five funds seeking permission to reduce benefits.