Provider Profiles
Morgan Stanley
Portfolio Construction |
Our asset allocation process starts with understanding the client's risk tolerance and return objectives. We use proprietary tools and a customized process to generate efficient portfolios, adapting to market changes and exploiting short-term pricing anomalies. The resulting strategic asset allocation integrates client objectives with our expectations for global capital markets. We review this annually, adjusting for changes in objectives and market assumptions. We also tactically adjust portfolio exposures to capitalize on short-term mispricing. We stress-test portfolios and use risk budgeting analysis to manage downside risk. Our approach is built around fundamental analysis and risk management, aiming to deliver attractive returns that exceed client expectations. |
Profile | |
Business model§ | OCIO + other |
Year entered into OCIO business | 1992 |
No. of relationship managers/salespeople | *14 |
No. of OCIO portfolio managers | 36 |
OCIO % of total firm revenue | 0% |
No. of clients, full discretion | 711 |
Full Discretionary Assets | |
Total full discretionary OCIO assets | $182.1b |
Discretionary Assets by Fund Type | |
Defined benefit | $44.4b |
401(k), 403(b) or other defined contribution plan | $10.4b |
Endowments or foundation | $25.8b |
Health care pools (board designated, funded depreciation) | $5.9b |
Other | $95.6b |
*Morgan Stanley's Wealth Management OCIO integrates an advisor-led model with a centralized business development and sales team. §OCIO only: Open-architecture (no proprietary products used): Investment outsourcing is only business line. OCIO + other: An open-architecture or manager-of-manager investment outsourcing platform as one of multiple business lines. Implemented consulting: A consulting firm that also has discretion over assigned assets. Proprietary/non-proprietary: An investment outsourcing platform that offers proprietary products alongside non-proprietary products. Other: An OCIO platform is something other than the types listed above. |