2024 Outsourced Chief Investment Officer Survey

Provider Profiles

Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P.

Portfolio Construction
Our asset allocation philosophy is rooted in first identifying a client’s objectives and constraints, maximizing returns for a given risk tolerance, and keeping a focus on risk management. The inclusion of a broad range of asset classes, the utilization of tactical investments, and a thoughtful rebalancing process are all part of our investment process. We formulate tactical asset allocation views to take advantage of shorter-term market dislocations. Our tactical process seeks to add additional sources of return often arising from dislocations in the market within and among asset classes. A key tenet of tactical asset allocation is that risk premia vary over time, creating opportunities to over and under-weight assets opportunistically.
Business model§ Proprietary/non-proprietary
Year entered into OCIO business1995
No. of relationship managers/salespeople274
No. of OCIO portfolio managers97
OCIO % of total firm revenueNot provided
No. of clients, full discretion888
Full Discretionary Assets
Total full discretionary OCIO assets$329.4b
Discretionary Assets by Fund Type
Defined benefit$198b
401(k), 403(b) or other defined contribution plan$43.7b
Endowments or foundation$36b
Health care pools (board designated, funded depreciation)$3.6b
§OCIO only: Open-architecture (no proprietary products used): Investment outsourcing is only business line.

OCIO + other: An open-architecture or manager-of-manager investment outsourcing platform as one of multiple business lines.

Implemented consulting: A consulting firm that also has discretion over assigned assets.

Proprietary/non-proprietary: An investment outsourcing platform that offers proprietary products alongside non-proprietary products.

Other: An OCIO platform is something other than the types listed above.