2023 Liability-Driven Investment Survey

Provider Profiles

Parametric Portfolio Associates

Summary of Offering

Parametric is a leading LDI manger with more than 20 years of experience implementing a broad range of solutions for defined benefits plans. Parametric’s systematic rules-based approach is consistent with the firm’s approach to delivering transparent, predictable, repeatable outcomes for institutional clients.

The Parametric LDI team provides a plan sponsor with a broad skill set to assess and manage the market risk of its investment portfolio relative to its unique projected liabilities. The ultimate goal is to help the plan better achieve its glide path to fully funded status while reducing the risk of an unexpected outcome. Parametric provides

  1. Efficient implementation of a plan’s asset allocation, including evaluation of their funded status and implementation of a liability-hedging plan;
  2. Monitoring of liability-hedging exposures and acting as a completion manager;
  3. Managing key rate duration exposures through both physical and synthetic fixed income; and
  4. Stabilizing funded status by managing an immunizing portfolio of investment grade bonds.

Client Restrictions: Account inception value of $10 million

Business Summary (as of 06/30/2023)

Total LDI clients 44
Total LDI mandates 60
Total LDI assets under management (US$) $18.5B

Regions With Active Mandates

Canada X
Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland X
Asia X
Australia X
All other locations X

Sizes With Active Mandates

$500MM – $1B
>$1B – $5B
>$5B – $10B X
>$10B X

Regions With Asset Allocations

Canada X
Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland X
Asia X
Australia X
All other locations X

Asset Classes With Asset Allocations

Publicly Traded equities X
Fixed income – Government only
Fixed income – Investment grade (BBB- or higher) credit
Fixed income – Below investment grade credit X
Fixed income – Multisector X
Fixed income – Other
Cash X
Private equity X
Non private equity alternative investments, including real estate X
Any other asset classes not mentioned above X
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