2023 Liability-Driven Investment Survey

Provider Profiles


Summary of Offering

Not Reported

Client Restrictions: None

Business Summary (as of 06/30/2023)

Total LDI clients 15
Total LDI mandates 15
Total LDI assets under management (US$) $150MM

Regions With Active Mandates

Canada X
U.K. X
Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland X
Asia X
Australia X
All other locations X

Sizes With Active Mandates

$500MM – $1B X
>$1B – $5B X
>$5B – $10B X
>$10B X

Regions With Asset Allocations

Canada X
U.K. X
Continental Europe and Republic of Ireland X
Asia X
Australia X
All other locations X

Asset Classes With Asset Allocations

Publicly Traded equities
Fixed income – Government only
Fixed income – Investment grade (BBB- or higher) credit
Fixed income – Below investment grade credit X
Fixed income – Multisector X
Fixed income – Other X
Private equity X
Non private equity alternative investments, including real estate X
Any other asset classes not mentioned above X
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