2021 Outsourced-Chief Investment Officer Survey

Provider Profiles

Goldman Sachs

Business Model/Type§ Proprietary/ non-proprietary
Year Entered Into OCIO Business 1995
No. of Relationship Managers/Salespeople 428*
No. of OCIO Portfolio Managers
OCIO % of Total Firm Revenue
No. of Clients, Full Discretion 499
Full Discretionary Assets  
Total Full Discretionary OCIO Assets $157.2B
Discretionary Assets by Fund Type  
Defined Benefit $88.1B
401(k), 403(b), Other DC $8.8B
Endowments/Foundation $20.1B
Health Care $2.8B
Other $37.4B
Portfolio Construction

When constructing a portfolio, Goldman Sachs seeks to diversify away from the core market-cap risk through a factor-based risk-budgeting approach. They aim to achieve this by targeting risk factors which they have identified as having strong historical statistical significance in generating returns, are lowly correlated to one another, and have a fundamental justification for the excess risk-adjusted returns they have exhibited. As a result, they may seek exposure to a range of different strategies and asset classes including traditional equities, bonds, currencies and commodities, but also non-traditional asset classes (if permitted by client guidelines) such as momentum strategies across asset classes, volatility selling, interest rate premia, carry as well as active risk from tactical asset allocation and security selection. As markets evolve and the investment landscape changes, Goldman Sachs works with their clients to adjust or tilt their portfolios in a way which they believe will benefit them over the long term.

*Includes salespeople, portfolio managers, research staff and other support staff.

§ OCIO only: Open-architecture (no proprietary products used): Investment outsourcing is only business line.
OCIO + other: An open-architecture/manager-of-manager investment outsourcing platform as one of multiple business lines. 
Implemented consulting: i.e. consulting firm that also has discretion over assigned assets. 
Proprietary/non-proprietary: An investment outsourcing platform that offers proprietary products alongside non-proprietary products. 
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