2018 Outsourced-Chief Investment Officer Survey


Outsourcing Situation: All Respondents

Outsourcing Situation: All Respondents

Respondent Organization Type

Respondent Organization Type

Average Size of Investment Staff by Organization Type

Average Size of Investment Staff by Organization Type

% that Outsource / Plan To by Organization Type

% that Outsource / Plan To by Organization Type

Respondent Regions Represented

Respondent Regions Represented

% that Outsource / Plan To by Region

% that Outsource / Plan To by Region

Size of Investment Staff by Region

Size of Investment Staff by Region

Respondent Total Investable Portfolio Size

Respondent Total Investable Portfolio Size

Size of Investment Staff by Investable Portfolio Size

Size of Investment Staff by Investable Portfolio Size

% that Outsource / Plan To by Investable Portfolio Size

% that Outsource / Plan To by Investable Portfolio Size

Types of Outsourcing Arrangements Used/Planned

Types of Outsourcing Arrangements Used/Planned

How Much of the Portfolio Is Outsourced

How Much of the Portfolio Is Outsourced

Reasons for Outsourcing and Their Importance

Reasons for Outsourcing and Their Importance

Outsourcing Goals

Outsourcing Goals

Outsourcing Fee Structure

Outsourcing Fee Structure

To your knowledge, have any OCIO providers attempted to win your busines in the past 12 months?

To your knowledge, have any OCIO providers attempted to win your busines in the past 12 months?

Reasons for Not Considering an Outsourcing Arrangement and Their Importance:

Reasons for Not Considering an Outsourcing Arrangement and Their Importance: