2017 Liability-Driven Investment Survey

Vendor Ratings

Goldman Sachs Asset Management20 Responses

Overall Offering

Average Score 4.65 (+0.4% from 2016)
5 = Extremely satisfied 82%
4 0%
3 18%
2 0%
1 = Unsatisfied 0%

Average scores by category

Responsiveness to general inquiries 4.65
Timely performance reporting 4.53
New ideas and solutions 4.45
Knowledge sharing 4.55
Accessibility to investment team 4.71
Funded-status attribution 4.50

How/why GSAM was selected

Existing relationship 80%
Consultant recommendation 13%
Board/staff due diligence 40%
Other 13%

WITH an equal number of responses compared to last year, Goldman Sachs achieves a nearly identical overall satisfaction score, again placing the firm among the top two in the survey. Scores in other categories mostly show somewhat of a drop from 2016, but they were still high enough to rank the firm among the top five in every survey category, and there appear to be no areas in need of particular attention. Consistent with the prior year’s survey results, the vast majority of clients say they chose Goldman Sachs as their LDI provider due to an existing relationship with the firm.

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