International Centre for Pension Management Celebrates 20 Years

The organization, which started out within the University of Toronto, has grown to a network of the largest institutional funds.
Reported by Matt Toledo

The International Centre for Pension Management, a global network of pension funds,
announced on Friday that it is celebrating 20 years since its founding.  

The ICPM was founded in 2004 by Keith Ambachtsheer as a center within the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management to provide a forum for pension funds to exchange ideas and academic research in the pension and institutional investing industry. The organization became a freestanding nonprofit organization in 2015.  

The organization provides academic research, networking events, webinars, discussion forums and other events for those in the asset allocator community.  

The ICPM counts 53 pension funds around the world as members, most of which are among the largest in the world, such as the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the New Zealand Superannuation Fund, ABP, the Washington State Investment Board and CPP Investments, among others. The ICPM’s members represent more than $8 trillion in assets under management.  

“We have a unique community feel at ICPM where senior leaders of the most sophisticated pension funds in the world are surprisingly at ease to openly and candidly share ideas, innovations and challenges in a trusted space,” said Michelle Ostermann, ICPM board chair and CEO of the Pension Protection Fund, in a statement.  

ICPM member organizations include funds from Australia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the U.K. and the U.S.  

“It is essential for pension leaders to have communities like ICPM where they can learn from one another and the latest research in order to successfully steer pensions in the decades ahead,” said Sebastien Betermier, executive director of the ICPM, in a statement.  

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ICPM, International Centre for Pension Management, Keith Ambachtsheer, Michelle Ostermann, Sebastien Betermier,