Arizona Pension CIO Quits for Foundation

Gary Dokes is to depart after 13 years for a $760 million Arizona charity fund.
Reported by Featured Author

GaryDokes_ChrisBuzelliGary Dokes, incoming CIO, Arizona Community Foundation (Art by Chris Buzelli) The Arizona State Retirement System will lose its longtime CIO Gary Dokes to a local nonprofit, the charity announced Tuesday.  

The Arizona Community Foundation has hired Dokes to oversee its $760 million endowment as the inaugural CIO.

Dokes spent the last 13 years leading the state pension system’s $36 billion portfolio, and nearly two decades with the fund in total. He is set to begin his new job in late March, according to the charity.

At the Arizona Community Foundation, he will be responsible for internally and externally managed pools of capital, asset allocation, manager monitoring, and interfacing with investment consultancy Pavilion Advisory Group.  

“He earned the public’s trust in stewarding their retirement assets,” said Rob Butler, the foundation’s board chairman. Butler praised Dokes’ “extensive experience with the state retirement system’s sizeable investment portfolio,” along with his “integrity and expertise.” 

The Arizona State Retirement System did not respond to CIO’s inquiry about the search for Dokes’ replacement by time of press. His soon-to-be-former job had not yet been posted publicly by the organization.

Related: 2013 Power 100: Gary Dokes Profile