The Truth about Commodity Boom and Busts

All you speculators out there, a Cambridge, MA, academic has news for you.

(March 13, 2013) — Commodity investors may have dramatically underestimated the length of cycles that commodity prices experience, a paper by a leading academic has claimed.

In a paper entitled “From Boom to Bust: A Typology of Real Commodity Prices in the Long Run,” David S Jacks looks into the cycles the asset class have undergone in the past 160 years.

He found that the real value of 30 commodities studied – which represented $7.89 trillion in production in 2011 – had, by the end of 2011, rapidly increased since 1900.

“Real commodity prices have collectively been on the rise-albeit sometimes quite modestly-from at least 1950 across all weighting schemes,” Jacks said. “This suggests that much of the conventional wisdom on long-run trends in real commodity prices may be unduly “pessimistic” about their prospects for future appreciation or unduly swayed by events either in the very distant or very recent past.”

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Jacks found evidence of “commodity price super-cycles”, which entailed decades-long positive deviations, which were usually longer than the medium-term view held by many investors. He found that half of the 30 commodities studied were in the midst of one of these super-cycles evidencing above trend real prices starting from 1994-1999.

He said these super-cycles were punctuated by booms and busts, which are “historically pervasive and becoming more exacerbated over time”.

There was a warning for commodity investors, too: “The common origin of these commodity price super-cycles in the late 1990s underlines an important theme of this paper: namely that much of the recent appreciation of real commodity prices simply represents a recovery from their multi-year-and in some instances, multi-decade-nadir around the year 2000. At the same time, the accumulated historical evidence on super-cycles suggests that the current super-cycles are likely at their peak and, thus, nearing the beginning of the end of above-trend real commodity prices in the affected categories.”

Jacks concluded that commodity prices exhibited little trend currently, but the small element of trend shown by the asset class was in a downwards direction. He added that commodity markets are likely set to experience more volatility, which would affect the growth prospects of nations.

To read the paper, click here.

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