Pennsylvania Pension Fund Chairman Resigns

The burgeoning scandal over CIO Tony Clark's alleged trading improprieties has led to a second resignation: Board Chairman Nicholas Maiale.

(January 2, 2014) — The chairman of the Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement Board (SERS) has submitted a letter of resignation to Governor Tom Corbett.

“Please be advised that I will relinquish the chairmanship of the State Employee’s Retirement board on the close of business on Friday, January 3, 2014, and will resign my seat on the SERS board at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled SERS board meeting on January 22, 2014,” Nicholas Maiale wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by aiCIO.

The resignation follows the ongoing scandal at the $27 billion fund. Former CIO Tony Clark has been accused of using SERS information and resources for personal trades and of withholding investment data from the board. Clark has also resigned.

According to confidential legal documents also obtained by aiCIO, Clark was not alone in possible inappropriate behavior. The records alleged that Maiale secured “political deals” for himself that may not have been suitable for the fund, and instructed Clark to “push whatever investment Maiale wanted.”

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The chairman’s actions were further put under scrutiny when Treasurer Rob McCord called upon Governor Corbett to replace Maiale to “improve SERS operations and business practices and restore the agency’s reputation.”

“These charges not only implicate SERS’ chief investment officer, but also explicitly include the chairman of the board and the process by which investment opportunities are identified and vetted, and also the veracity with which they are presented to the board for approval,” McCord wrote in a letter to the governor.

Maiale has served as SERS chairman since 1992, working under a total of five governors.

“I believe that the SERS board and staff has done an outstanding job serving the retirees, state employees, and taxpayers of Pennsylvania,” Maiale said. “Despite the underfunding, caused by a variety of factors, the fund is secure and able to meet its obligations in the years to come.”

Related content: Pennsylvania Treasurer Calls for Firing of Pension Chair, Pennsylvania CIO Accused of Personal Trading with SERS Info

Hedge Funds: Winning Hearts and Assets in 2013

Investors have never been more pleased with the performance of their hedge funds.

(December 20, 2013) — Hedge fund performance has impressed investors like never before, and they have been rewarded with massive inflows this year, research has shown.

In 2013, the proportion of investors who felt their return expectations had not been met fell to its lowest level since data monitor Preqin began recording data, the company said. This was in noticeable contrast to the two preceding years when dissatisfaction was widespread amongst institutional investors, Preqin said.

Some 21% of institutional investors responded to a November survey by Preqin to say that hedge fund returns had exceeded their expectations so far in 2013, with a further 63% saying their expectations had been met. Just 16% responded to say their expectations had not been met, marking a large decrease from 41% holding the same view last year. In 2012, just 3% of investors said their hedge fund investments had exceeded their expectations.

And this type of performance has been compensated. Flows into hedge funds were positive for a fifth consecutive month in November, according to data from eVestment. New allocations of $15.3 billion brought the five-month total of inflows to $68.5 billion.

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“At the start of 2013, we predicted that a need for solid performance and regulation would be key issues for hedge funds in 2013,” said Amy Bensted, head of hedge fund products at Preqin. “Certainly the year has proven both of these predictions to be true, and in terms of performance it appears that many hedge fund managers have fared well this year, and investors are largely satisfied with how the industry has performed.”

As a group, hedge funds posted a 10.04% return in the 11 months to the end of November, Preqin said. A year earlier, they had managed 8.24% in the same period.

Some strategies have fared better than others. Macro strategies returned 1.87% in the first 11 months of the year, which was rapidly out-paced by Japanese yen-denominated funds, which—mainly due to currency and economic reasons—made 21.61%.

However, despite being pleased with annual results, institutional investors were increasingly concerned with long-term performance and managing risk within their portfolios, Preqin said.

Some 29% of investors said they demanded absolute returns from their hedge fund managers, but consistency of results was noted as the top priority for 28% of respondents and 25% of them wanting strong risk-adjusted income.

Just 15% of respondents said they wanted returns that were uncorrelated to their equity portfolio.

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