Photo by Margarita Corporan
For 10 years, CIO has honored the accomplishments of you, the chief investment officers, with our Industry Innovation Awards.
On Thursday, December 12, at the New York Public Library, CIO will once again bring together institutional investors and those who provide for them.
It’s time to nominate deserving asset owners and asset managers/servicers for this year’s awards.
Since we started these awards in 2010, “innovation” has perhaps become an overused buzzword. While others may confuse innovation with change, we do not: Our goal is to highlight the truly innovative approaches to asset management and asset owning, separating the merely different from the meaningful.
When nominating, ask yourselves, who has done something that is truly different, and that may have changed the way we think about this business?
To nominate, please follow the survey directions here.
What You’ll Need:
- To make a nomination, you’ll be asked whether you’re nominating an asset owner or asset manager, the name and title of the person or entity you’re nominating, their location, email address and to choose which category they fall into.
- The asset owner CIO categories fall into plan size and type, as well as special categories for ESG and Collaboration. Asset manager categories fall into a full array of topics of expertise. You can make more than one nomination, and you’ll do this by indicating if you’re done or ready to nominate another. Please feel free to make as many nominations as you’d like.
To verify nominees, CIO editorial team will consult an advisory board of former and current chief investment officers, including Chris Ailman, CIO, CalSTRS; Harshal Chaudhari, Head Enterprise Analytics Organization, IBM; Susan Ridlen, CIO and Assistant Treasurer, Eli Lilly; Robert Hunkeler, Vice President, Investments, International Paper; Anne Dinneen, CIO, Hamilton College; Dan Chu and Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club Foundation / Executive Director, Sierra Club, Sierra Club; Rosalind Hewsenian, CIO, Helmsley Charitable Trust; Anthony Waskiewicz, CIO, Mercy Health, St. Louis; Sam Masoudi, CIO, Wyoming Retirement System; Jonathan Grabel, CIO, LACERA; Paul Ballard, CEO and CIO, Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Co.; Allan Martin, Partner, NEPC; Mansco Perry, Executive Director and CIO, Minnesota State Board of Investment; KIm Lew, Vice President, CIO, Carnegie Corp.; Matt Clark, State Investment Officer, South Dakota Investment Council; Jacque Millard, CIO, Intermountain Healthcare; Raphael Arndt, CIO, Australia’s Future Fund; and CIO’s NextGen of the Year 2018 Chad Myhre, Portfolio Manager of Hedge Funds and Domestic Equities, Public School and Education Employee Retirement System of Missouri.
Hartford HealthCare CIO David Holmgren will chair the board.
Click here to view CIO’s 2018 Industry Innovation Award winners.
Tags: Asset Managers, Asset Owners, CIO, Endowments, Foundations, NextGen, Pension