Kentucky Judge Deems Governor’s Pension Law Unconstitutional

Ruling favors attorney general’s objection over how it was passed.

A judge has thrown out GOP Gov. Matt Bevin’s controversial Kentucky pension overhaul law, siding with Democratic state Attorney General Andy Beshear’s objection over how it was passed.

Judge Phillip Shepherd ruled in favor of Beshear on Wednesday, agreeing that the aggressive manner in which the reform was passed was unconstitutional. At the end of the 2018 legislative session, the governor’s retirement change was tucked into a sewage bill. Six hours later, it became law without being reviewed by lawmakers or made public knowledge.

Shepherd also voided the overhaul because the vote did not get three readings in each chamber. The judge said that, since the bill appropriated state funds, it was two votes short of the constitutional majority to pass. Beshear also argued that the law violated the state’s “inviolable contract” with teachers, but the judge said that objection was irrelevant as the measure was enacted improperly.

The bill cut pension benefits for Kentucky teachers and moved new hires into a 401(k)-style plan, rather than into the traditional defined benefits pension program. The governor’s plan was an attempt to shore up the struggling state’s $40 billion shortfall. Kentucky’s pension system is 31% funded.

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The Beshear called the decision “a win for open, honest government.” Plus, “The ruling voids Senate Bill 151 in its entirety, which restores the promised retirements to over 200,000 teachers, police officers, firefighters and other public servants,” he said in a Twitter video.

Elizabeth Kuhn, a spokeswoman for the governor, said the ruling was “expected” and announced Bevin’s plans to appeal the decision. She said that the consequences for the judge’s call are “tremendous” for Kentucky, claiming that other bills have been passed under the “exact same process” as the voided bill.

“If all of these bills are now invalidated based on Judge Shepherd’s ruling, our legal system will descend into chaos,” Kuhn said.

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Economic Growth: These Are the Good Old Days

The US and the world’s economies should be fine in 2018, then start to slow, IHS Markit predicts.

It’s all thumbs up for the global economy, for this year anyway. That’s the assessment of IHS Markit, a forecast that pretty much tracks the conventional wisdom nowadays.

World gross domestic products should “hold steady” at 3.3% in 2018, then gradually slide to 3.2% next year and 3.0% in 2020, according to the firm’s chief economist, Nariman Behravesh, and its executive director for global economics, Sara Johnson.

But here comes the all-important caveat: “The steadiness in growth belies the possible impact of gathering storm clouds,” they wrote in their June forecast. That would be the chance of a trade war, higher oil prices eroding growth, political risks in Europe (read: Italy and Spain), and shaky emerging market nations, like Argentina and Turkey.

In the US, IHS thinks that the so-so 2.1% annual growth in this year’s first quarter will improve to 4.1% in the second quarter ending June 30. And for all of 2018, the GDP expansion should come in at 3.0%, the firm believes. And then … downhill, albeit gently: 2.8% for 2019 and 1.9% for 2020.

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China, the world’s second-largest economy, should have its own gradual slowdown, the report indicated. The first of the culprits here is monetary tightening, which the Chinese central bank is engineering to keep pace with the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes (so that the yuan’s worth isn’t harmed). The second: US protectionist trade policies.

Nevertheless, China’s growth, which was 6.9% last year, still will outpace that of the US. The forecast for the Chinese economy is 6.7% this year, 6.4% in 2019, and 6.1% in 2020.

For the US, headwinds include higher oil prices and a stronger dollar—and with even more impact, higher interest rates and the fading of effect of the tax cuts and federal spending boosts.  The “fading stimulus in the world’s largest economy will leads to a global slowdown,” the IHS report contended.

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