Florida’s Ash Williams to Be Next CIO Podcast Guest

The 2017 lifetime achievement honoree discusses 2019 outlook, trade war, hobbies, and interests.

Ash Williams, CIO of the $161 billion Florida State Board of Administration (SBA), will be an upcoming guest on the CIO Podcast, which captures the lives and times of the industry’s top investment professionals.

Williams, CIO’s 2017 lifetime achievement honoree, will share his expertise on the 2019 market outlook, including the implications of the developing trade tensions between the US and China, and the state of hedge funds, emerging markets, geopolitical events, and more.

“If you take the time to really understand business models and associated asset valuations, then volatility and dislocation are not things to fear, they are things to welcome,” Williams told CIO.

Williams will also give listeners a peek into his personal life.

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The podcast will air Wednesday, February 6.

To listen to CIO’s previous podcasts, visit AI-CIO.com, or find us on SoundCloud or iTunes.

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