Florida Pension Dives Into HFs and Infrastructure

The $109.5 billion Tallahassee-based public pension aims to increase its exposure to alternative investments.

(June 9, 2010) — For the first time, the Florida Retirement System (FRS) will move into hedge funds, reflecting the fund’s move toward a greater exposure to alternative investments.

“We’re trying to find a way to maintain and improve our return while re-selecting the type of risk we’re taking,” Florida State Board of Administration spokesperson Dennis MacKee said to ai5000.

The changes are the outcome of an asset / liability study presented Monday by board consultant Ennis Knupp.

The system could invest 6% of its assets in hedge funds — 2% in infrastructure, and an unspecified amount into timberland. The fund will combine U.S. and international equities into a single global equity asset class under changes approved by the Florida State Board of Administration’s trustees, MacKee said.

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Under plans recently approved by the Florida State Board of Administration, which oversees a total of $133.9 billion in assets, the $109.5 billion Tallahassee-based system will additionally up its allocation to private equity to 5% from 3.5% and debt-oriented funds to 3% from 1.8%. To lower costs and risk, trustees approved funneling more money into internal management and fixed-income allocations. “We believe we have the capability and expertise to expand the internal management of the passively managed fixed-income assets,” MacKee stated.

The new targets for FRS’ hedge fund allocation will consist of 2% each to absolute-return, long/short equity, and open mandate strategies. The new allocation, which targets a 52% allocation to global equity and replaces the existing allocations of 37.4% to domestic equity and 20% to non-U.S. equity, will raise the debt-oriented funds to 3% from 1.8%. The system’s hedge fund consultant, Cambridge Associates, will assist the system in searching for hedge fund managers, MacKee confirmed.

To contact the <em>aiCIO</em> editor of this story: Paula Vasan at <a href='mailto:pvasan@assetinternational.com'>pvasan@assetinternational.com</a>; 646-308-2742
