Chicago Public Schools to Borrow $389 Million to Fund Pension Plan

School district is required to pay pension fund $716 million by June 30.

Chicago Public Schools’ board of education has approved a plan to borrow $389 million to help pay its financial obligation to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF).

In the next few weeks, the Chicago Public Schools plans to complete a short-term financing of up to $389 million in grant anticipation notes (GANs). The school system said the GANs will be secured by the delayed state block grant payments, which it expects to receive in the coming months. Proceeds from the sale of the GANs, along with savings made through budget reductions earlier in the year, will be used to make the 2017 contribution to the CTPF.

“Gov. Rauner wants CPS to get by on ‘baling wire and chewing gum,’ the words of his representatives,” said CPS CEO Forrest Claypool in a statement. “And this plan does exactly that – bridges CPS through the next few months, keeping schools open until June 20, making our pension payment that no other district in the state has to make, and meeting our obligations until we receive more funding later this summer.”

But that $389 million might not be enough to cover its financial obligations. For fiscal year 2017, the CPS is required to make a payment to the CTPF of just over $733 million, and it must make the full payment by June 30. According to Charles Burbridge, executive director of CTPF, as of May 9, the balance due is just under $716 million.

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Public Act 99-0521 allows the Chicago Board of Education to levy a separate tax to help pay for an employer contribution to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund. According to the CTPF, this tax will be collected for the first time in 2017, and the CPS said the estimated $250 million in proceeds will be remitted in July and August of this year.

CPS indicated that it will use the revenue received in July or August to fund part of its required FY 2017 payment. If this occurs, Burbridge said in a statement, the fiscal year 2017 CPS contribution will be delinquent, and CTPF will have a receivable due of the outstanding balance as of July 1.

“The Illinois Pension Code does not define a specific remedy or course of action in the event that CPS fails to make a full payment,” said Burbridge. He added that if the fund has a receivable on July 1, the board of trustees must meet and determine the appropriate course of action. The first CTPF Board of Trustees meeting following the close of the fiscal year is scheduled for July 20.

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CPPIB Reaches C$316.7 Billion in FY 2017 – One of Largest Increases of the Fund

Annual return of 11.8% matches five-year average.

The CPP Investment Board, formerly the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), reported that it ended its fiscal year 2017 with net assets of C$316.7 billion ($235.5 billion), up from C$278.9 billion at the end of fiscal year 2016. That translates to a gross investment return of 12.2% for the year, or 11.8% net of all costs.

“This was a strong year for the CPP Fund as we achieved one of the largest yearly increases in assets since the inception of CPPIB,” said Mark Machin, CEO of the CPPIB in a statement.

The biggest gains for the year came from CPPIB’s investments in equities and real assets. It earned 19.2% from its Canadian public equities, compared to a loss of 6.4% in 2016, and saw a return of 18.9% from both foreign and emerging pubic equities, which had lost 2.8% and 8.7% respectively the previous year. Foreign private equities returned 15.8%, compared to gains of 8.8% in 2016; and natural resources and agriculture investments rose 16.8%, compared to a loss of 7.7% last year. 

CPPIB is a professional investment management organization that invests the funds not needed by CPP to pay current benefits on behalf of 20 million contributors and beneficiaries.

For the five-year period, the net nominal return was 11.8%, contributing C$129.6 billion in cumulative net income to the fund after all CPPIB costs. In the 10-year period up to and including fiscal 2017, CPPIB contributed C$146.1 billion in cumulative net income to the fund after all CPPIB costs. Since CPPIB’s inception in 1999, it has contributed C$194.1 billion.

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“It is noteworthy that our 11.8% five-year return mirrors our annual return,” said Machin. “We believe this is a strong indicator of our ability to generate steady, sustainable returns for generations of beneficiaries to come.”

CPPIB’s 10-year annualized net nominal rate of return was 6.7%, or 5.1% on a net real rate of return basis, which was above the Chief Actuary’s assumption for the same period. The real rate of return is reported net of all CPPIB costs to be consistent with the Chief Actuary’s approach.

The Office of the Chief Actuary (OCA) is an independent unit that provides a range of actuarial valuation and advisory services to the government of Canada. The OCA provides checks and balances on the future costs of the different pension plans and social programs that fall under its responsibility, including the CPP.

In its most recent triennial review, released in September 2016, the Chief Actuary of Canada reaffirmed that the CPP remains sustainable at the current contribution rate of 9.9% throughout the forward-looking 75-year period covered, as of December 31, 2015. The Chief Actuary’s projections are based on the assumption that the fund’s prospective real rate of return, which takes inflation into account, will average 3.9% over 75 years.

Machin said that while the fund is building a portfolio that will “help ensure the long-term sustainability of the CPP,” he also said “our portfolio is designed to withstand short-term market uncertainty.”

During fiscal year 2017, CPPIB said it continued to execute its long-term investment strategy to diversify the CPP Fund across multiple asset classes and geographies. Through four investment departments, it said it completed 182 global transactions.

“The composition of our highly diversified long-term portfolio continues to position us well, allowing us to take advantage of the strong performance of global stock markets this year, amid significant global geopolitical developments,” said Machin. “Our diverse investment programs generated strong earnings, while fixed-income investments remained relatively flat.”

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