CalPERS to Declare Two Districts in Default

Committee proposes a reduction in benefits for state workers in two delinquent districts.

The $336 billion California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) will likely cut loose two pension plans by declaring them in default of their financial obligations at its monthly board meeting this week.

CalPERS’s Finance and Administration Committee has recommended that the board declare the Trinity County Waterworks District and the Niland Sanitary District in default, and has called for a reduction in benefits for their workers. Trinity County Waterworks, located in Northern California, owes more than $1.5 million, while the Niland Sanitary District, which is in Southern California, owes $204,000.

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Under California law, if an agency fails to pay the full amount owed upon termination of their contract, the CalPERS board can declare the agency in default and reduce retirement benefits in proportion to the amount of the deficiency in accumulated contributions.

In September 2016, Trinity County Waterworks voluntarily terminated its contract with CalPERS, and in January and February of 2017, the two had multiple discussions about the water utility’s inability to pay the preliminary termination amount.

CalPERS balked at Trinity’s request for a 20- to 30-year no-interest payment plan, and the two sides were unable to agree on a resolution for Trinity to pay the amount owed. In March, CalPERS sent Trinity an invoice for a little more than $1.5 million for the termination cost, and in April, Trinity became delinquent on its termination liability obligation.

CalPERS said it contacted the agency multiple times and sent several notices to request payment of the termination cost. Meanwhile, Trinity said it could not pay due to budget constraints, and repeated its request to pay its obligation over 30 years.  In May, CalPERS sent a final collection letter to Trinity demanding payment of the outstanding amount within 10 days of the date of the letter.

The Finance and Administration Committee has also recommended that the board declare the Niland Sanitary District in default of its obligations, and reduce retirement benefits paid to employees and retirees of the agency over its failure to pay required pension contributions of just under $204,000.

CalPERS says Niland entered into a retirement contract with CalPERS in 1995 to provide retirement benefits for its local employees, but decided to terminate the contract in 2015. According to the committee, in September 2016, Niland was delinquent due to nonpayment of employer-paid contributions, associated administrative fees, and unpaid unfunded liabilities.

In June of 2017, CalPERS sent Niland an invoice for the termination liability in the amount of $203,997, and subsequently contacted the company multiple times to collect the amounts owed.  CalPERS said Niland refused to pay the termination liability,  and insisted it did not have a contract with CalPERS despite initiating a voluntary termination of that contract.

The CalPERS board is meeting between Sept. 18 and 20 at its headquarters in Sacramento, California.

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Malaysia’s EPF Investment Income Surges 36% in Q2

Equities provide the main profit driver for the $181 billion fund.

Malaysia’s $181 billion Employees Provident Fund (EPF) reported a 36% increase in investment income during the second quarter ended June 30 to RM11.51 billion ($2.8 billion) from RM8.44 billion during the second quarter of 2016.

“Market conditions have improved from a year ago, and all asset classes in our portfolio have recorded healthy year-on-year growth, with equities continuing as the main profit driver,” said EPF CEO Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan.

The total value of EPF investment assets reached RM759.78 billion, a 3.9% increase from RM731.11 billion at the end of 2016. Out of the total investment assets, 47.71% were in Sharia-compliant investments, while the remainder was invested in non-Sharia assets.

Equities, which made up nearly 42% of EPF’s total investment assets in Q2, contributed RM6.18 billion of income, a 62% increase from the RM3.83 billion recorded in the same period last year.  Of the RM11.51 billion investment income recorded, equities contributed 53.72%, fixed-income instruments contributed 37.29%, real estate and infrastructure contributed 6.23%, and money market instruments contributed 2.64%.

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“While we recorded significant improvements in year-on-year performance in both the preceding and current quarters, there is a slowdown in momentum which saw corporate profits normalizing in Q2,” said Shahril. “We therefore expect a moderation in income growth for upcoming quarters.”

The EPF said that due to regulatory constraints, the fund’s exposure to foreign investment was lower than the strategic asset allocation of 32%, specifically in real estate and infrastructure. It said that this could potentially result in lower-than-expected returns for the fund in the future. EPF’s exposure to the real estate and infrastructure asset class remains at approximately 4%, while its strategic asset allocation is 10%.

“Our foreign investments have proved to be a significant revenue driver in recent years, despite making up less than 30% of the total investment portfolio,” Shahril said. “The increase in global asset values mitigated the negative effect from the strengthening of the ringgit, providing opportunities for us to realize profit.”

The EPF’s overseas investments, which accounted for 29% of its total investment assets, contributed 32.5% to the total investment income during the second quarter.

Shahril said the ringgit is showing signs of improved stability, and he expects global investments would remain one of EPF’s main revenue drivers going forward. He also said that while GDP growth continues to improve domestically, the EPF will be mindful of other external factors that may create uncertainty, including global rate hikes, and rising geopolitical tensions.

“While the domestic market remains integral to EPF’s investments, we need to diversify our portfolio into broader markets with better investment opportunities and greater liquidity,” said Shahril. “Doing so would equip the EPF with the agility and resilience to anticipate and rise above future market challenges.”

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