Auto Enrollment Boosts UK Pension Participation by 50%

Pension enrollment jumps by 5.4 million between 2012 and 2016.

In its annual analysis of all qualifying workplace pension members over the past 10 years, the UK’s Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) found that automatic enrollment has boosted pension participation by more than 50% between 2012 and 2016.

The UK introduced automatic enrollment in 2012 to help reverse a trend in declining private pension saving, and to help normalize long-term savings. It started with the largest employers, with all remaining employers in existence as of April 2012 required to meet their enrolment duties by February 2018. Nearly 8 million workers have been automatically enrolled, and more than 598,000 employers have met their automatic enrollment duties, reports the DWP.

Between 2006 and 2012, there was a general downward trend in workplace pension participation, according to the DWP, from 62% (12 million eligible employees) to a low of 55% (10.7 million). However, since automatic enrollment was adopted in 2012, there has been a sharp increase in pension participants, as the total number of eligible employees participating in a workplace pension soared by more than 5.4 million to 16.2 million in 2016, or 78% of all eligible employees.

Public sector participation rates have remained stable over the past 10 years, according to the DWP, and the largest public-sector increase between 2015 and 2016 (4%) was seen among companies with between five and 49 employees. The highest level of private-sector participation in 2016 was reported in companies with 5,000 or more employees, with 89% of eligible employees participating. After yearly increases since 2012, there was a decrease of 2% in participation rates between 2015 and 2016 among companies with between 250 and 4,999 employees.

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The report also found that the highest participation levels, in both the public and the private sectors, was among those earning more than £40,000 ($51,000) per year. However, it found that public-sector workers earning between £10,000 and £20,000 saw the largest increases in participation since 2012, although the levels of participation among these workers remains lower than for higher earners.

According to the DWP, 77% of eligible employees are continuing to save persistently, which is defined as saving into a workplace pension in at least three years out of a four-year period. The department’s most recent analysis shows that there has been a small decrease in persistency rates between 2015 and 2016, from 79% to 77%.  Meanwhile, the proportion of eligible savers not saving persistently was 1% in 2016. For the remaining 22%, there was not enough evidence for the DWP to judge either way.

The total amount saved for eligible employees in both public and private sectors was £87.1 billion in 2016, a rise of 4.6%, or £3.8 billion from 2015. The public sector increased by £1.8 billion, while the private sector grew by £2 billion.

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