San Francisco to Increase Investment in VBA

Investment may increase by $200 million.

San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System (SFERS) is engaging Van Berkom and Associates, Inc. (VBA) for active investment management services, with an initial investment up to $200 million. SFERS will be investing in VBA’s US Small Capitalization “small cap” strategy, which invests in long-only public equity securities, according to SFERS.

VBA is currently one of the underlying funds in the account that Bivium Capital manages for SFERS.

As of October 31, 2017, the preliminary market value for the VBA was $27.9 million.

Bivium runs a fund of emerging managers for SFERS and added VBA to the SFERS’ account in October 2011, when VBA’s assets were $1.27 billion. The assets have now grown to $4.66 billion as of September 30, 2017.

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Bivium recommended that SFERS  “graduate” VBA to a direct relationship because Bivium views it as high conviction manager whose assets have grown over the last several years and is no longer considered “emerging”.

– Staff Report

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