Asset Allocation
The desire for hedge fund investing continues, but investors are being specific in their requirements.
As investors prepare for a rising rates environment, has reinvestment risk slid off their radar?
The current PE chief at Texas Teachers will return to his alma mater next month.
Asset Allocation
Insurance companies in Europe are outsourcing more assets as they seek to expand their investments outside core fixed income.
The Netherlands’ second largest pension fund has entered into an agreement which will provide access to €3.2 billion of corporate loans.
The pension giant’s leadership carried out Joe Dear’s legacy in the initial investment decisions made since his death.
James Grossman, current acting CIO, has been promoted to lead the state's public educators' fund.
Denmark’s largest commercial pension fund has decided to become a more active investor with its equity holdings.
New York and London are still on top, but the economic crisis has launched many more financial hubs.
Thomas Judge, one of the first to invest pension assets in venture capital, has died at 83.
Asset Allocation
pricing models based on liabilities and funded status could be the answer to
the CAPM problem.
Target-date funds fall behind in returns but continue to pull in the lion’s share of assets.
Asset Allocation
The world’s largest oil fund is to push into more environmentally friendly ways of producing power.
Banks made it rain on New York City’s securities staffers in 2013, distributing $26.7 billion in cash bonuses.
A study found heavily-hedged currency
portfolios allocated to alpha-generating managers saw improved returns within
the mandated risk bucket.