Levels remain similar to where they were eight or nine years ago, Mercer says.
Largest commitment of its kind by a private foundation; MRIs to be phased in over 10 years.
Clinton Stevenson will execute a plan to commit $11 billion to emerging and transition managers.
Hospital System employees argue that pension plans were wrongly classified.
Continues long diversification journey
Global currency returns were 7.2%
$5 million investment will finance women-owned enterprises and projects for low-income communities.
The world’s largest brewer pledged to make the transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2025.
ILPA is focusing on leveraging the experience of the early adopters to push global implementation.
Also wins Best Single Article award for “The Departed”.
North America still dominates, with 61% of investors saying it currently presents best opportunities.
The adjustments would add $6.5 billion to the plan’s accrued liabilities.
Says proposed fix would raise taxes; backs GOP proposed reform.
Move shifts control from state treasury to new board of trustees.
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