For the world’s largest asset owners
May 19, 2017
California Proposes $6 Billion Boost to CalPERS

Gov. Brown says supplemental payment will save state $11 billion over 20 years.

NEPC: Redefining the Role of Hedge Funds

Some of the funds are changing their strategic approach or at least becoming slightly more transparent.

Leech Pleads Not Guilty in WAMCO Cherry-Picking Probe
Weyerhaeuser, State Street Sued in PRT Lawsuit
BlackRock Identifies 1% to 2% as Optimal Bitcoin Allocation
Indiana Fund Narrows Finalists to Replace BlackRock
US Pension Plans Set to Increase Contributions in 2025
Ardian, Saudi PIF Complete $4.2B Acquisitions of Stake in Heathrow Airport
SPONSORED BY Russell Investments
The Corporate Pension Finance Handbook

A reference for pension fiduciaries and valuable training tool for new board and committee members.

DuPont Boosts Pension by $2.9 Billion

But some participants see the contribution as a precursor to closing the fund.

San Diego Union Appeals Ruling Upholding Pension Changes

City would have to fund retroactive pensions for more than 3,000 workers if overturned.

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