For the world’s largest asset owners
July 19, 2017
Illinois Gov. Rauner Can’t Legally Veto Pension Reform Bill, CPS Says

Governor demands Senate Bill 1 be placed on his desk immediately.

Kentucky’s Sen. Schickel Praised for Sticking to ‘CERS Divorce Bill’

The senator also says passing SB 226 could help the state’s police fund.

Leech Pleads Not Guilty in WAMCO Cherry-Picking Probe
Weyerhaeuser, State Street Sued in PRT Lawsuit
BlackRock Identifies 1% to 2% as Optimal Bitcoin Allocation
Voting Support for NYC Pension Proxy Proposals Continues to Wane
Indiana Fund Narrows Finalists to Replace BlackRock
US Pension Plans Set to Increase Contributions in 2025
SPONSORED BY Franklin Templeton Investments
Opportunities in Emerging Market Local Currency Bonds

EMs currently account for more than half of the world’s GDP and around two-thirds of GDP growth—that economic share is only expected to rise as EMs are projected to grow faster than developed markets (DMs) in upcoming years.

FedEx, Kroger to Contribute $1 Billion Each to DB Plans

FedEx’s 2017 pension contribution is more than triple that of 2015 and 2016 combined.

Ontario Teachers’ Buys Mémora Funeral Services Company

Deal also made with Ontario Municipal Retirement System’s infrastructure arm to sell British rail link.

BDO: Top ’17 Retail Risks are Economic Conditions, Regulations, Security

78% of retailers see risks associated with regulations tied to data privacy and security.

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