For the world’s largest asset owners
August 8, 2017
Kentucky Employees Retirement System Reports Double-Digit Gains

The state’s main pension funds’ returns ranged from 12.5% to 13.81%.

CalSTRS Praises S&P Dow Jones Multi-Class Shares Decision

Dow Jones’ decision made after committee’s market reviews, consultation responses.

Leech Pleads Not Guilty in WAMCO Cherry-Picking Probe
Weyerhaeuser, State Street Sued in PRT Lawsuit
BlackRock Identifies 1% to 2% as Optimal Bitcoin Allocation
Voting Support for NYC Pension Proxy Proposals Continues to Wane
Indiana Fund Narrows Finalists to Replace BlackRock
US Pension Plans Set to Increase Contributions in 2025
SPONSORED BY Wellington Management
Weatherproofing a plan’s return-seeking assets

For corporate DB plans, return-seeking assets are often synonymous with traditional equities. That’s fine if market conditions are just right, but it leaves plans vulnerable in many environments. We think the solution is to diversify return-seeking allocations with assets that may perform well in a variety of conditions.

Brazil’s President Temer Seeks Votes for Pension Reform

Taps House speaker Maia to strategize bill, which would increase minimum age for pensions and cut benefits.

Pennsylvania SERS Reports 6.5% Return in 2016

Steps being made to successfully implement new law that moves new employees into hybrid pension plan.

Pension Strategy:

The Termination Versus Hibernation Debate

Automatic Enrollment Boosts UK Pension Participation

TPR report finds the overall percentage of eligible employees saving into a workplace pension increased to 78% from 55%.

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