July 31, 2013
Jameela Pedicini will join Harvard Management Company to
help navigate the rising environmental, social, and governance issues.
July 31, 2013
A close eye is being cast over New York's pension funds.
July 31, 2013
Worried about pension provision and living in the European Union? You’re not alone.
Asset Allocation
July 31, 2013
Data from the Investment Management Association has revealed a £1.7 billion outflow from institutional investors in June 2013.
July 30, 2013
Revamping ratings agencies, volatility “speed bumps,” and robust IT: Regulator head Mary Jo White testifies on mitigating risk, SEC-style.
July 30, 2013
A Massachusetts judge has ruled in a widely watched case, overturning a previous decision.
July 30, 2013
The Church of England’s investment chief explains why despite the Wonga furore, his investments are still among the most ethically sound.
July 30, 2013
There is one area of Icelandic financial services that didn’t take a tumble during the financial crisis.
July 30, 2013
The outsourcing of investment decisions is happening at a third of non-profit institutional investors.
Asset Allocation
July 29, 2013
Which countries are most—and least—reluctant to allocate across borders?
July 29, 2013
The former head of alternatives at one of the UK’s largest pensions has landed at another fund.
Asset Allocation
July 29, 2013
Buyer beware when approaching equities, especially in emerging markets, a leading bank has said.
July 29, 2013
The $118 billion pension fund is rather pleased with its five public market partners.
July 29, 2013
Further risk transfer deals are expected for 2013, after bulk annuity pricing levels become more attractive.
July 29, 2013
A Labaton Sucharow partner has warned pension funds seeking damages in court for Libor losses that the effort it takes often outweighs the possible settlements.